Fr. David Blazek
Our Mission
We, the people of St. Rita Catholic Parish, through the guidance of
the Holy Spirit, are dedicated to serving the community in which we live by proclaiming, teaching, and living the Word of the Gospel so that Christ's love, respect, peace, and justice for all will prevail.
Phone: 248. 634. 4841
309 East Maple
Holly, MI 48442
There will be no Morning Mass, Wednesday January 15, 2025.
Mass Schedule
Weekday Masses:
Tuesday: 7pm, Wednesday: 9am, Thursday: 9am
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 4pm, Sunday: 9am, 11am and 6pm
Adoration & intercessory prayer
Join us Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Third Tuesday of each month 5pm-7pm
Have no anxiety at all, but in everything,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
make your requests known to God.
Philippians 4:6
CSA 2024
With Eyes Fixed on Jesus
This year’s Appeal has begun. Look for a letter and a pledge envelope in the mail and be generous in making a pledge. Usually we don’t realize all that our Catholic Church does until we are the ones who need help or support, or when we realize our pledge directly supports the life of our parish. Some of the many, many programs that our pledges make happen are: • Training and education of priests • Formation of deacons • The office of Marriage Annulments • Mass for Shut-ins • Ministries of Catholic Charities • On-going training of catechists, teachers, and youth ministers So be generous. Make your pledge for this year. And if you haven’t given in the past, BREAK THE HABIT AND FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS! God bless you for your generous support of our ministry. Fr. Dave
For more information on CSA, please visit the AOD website.
Great Lakes National Cemetery
Committal Ministry
If you are having a loved one interred at Great Lakes National Cemetery and would like a priest to assist with Catholic committal prayers, please call the Rectory office.
Rite of Committal
Prayers for the deceased and blessing of the ground or burial place.